This is not an official KGS page.

Programs which have already registered for at least one KGS Computer Go Tournament

This page lists all the programs that have registered for KGS Computer Go Tournaments, starting from the test Tournament held on March 6th 2005. They have not necessarily played in one. Those in blue-tinted rows have qualified for a "formal" division.

Name of program
as registered on KGS
Name of program
Name of operator
as registered on KGS
Name of programmer
agogGoannajoelvJoel Veness & Dmitry Kamenetsky
antbotAntIgoantminderDave Hillis
AyaBot (AyaBot2)AyaHYamashitaHiroshi Yamashita
AyaMC (AyaMC2)Monte-Carlo version of Aya
botnoidbotnoidDonDaileyDon Dailey
break9, break19breakbreaktestYangYun
coldmilkcoldmilkCheng-Wei Chou & Shi-Jim Yen
covayandme??Summer_nong_wa ha
CrazyStone, StoneCrazyCrazy StoneRemiCoulomRémi Coulom
cyVersion2cyVersion2Chun Yi Chen
CzechBotMoGopaskyPetr BaudišUnofficial build
DariushDariushfboissacFrédéric Boissac
ricoh51Eric Marchand
ricoh51Eric Marchand
daftbot blubbBlubb Fallo
dbotdbotdsmicDetlef Schmicker
DimWitBotdimwitalonamalohAlvaro Begue & John Tromp
dpthoughtdtlgoelifeCai Qiang
DrunkenGnuGNU GoAlorilGNU Go development teamDeliberately suboptimised version of GNU Go
DumbbotDumbbotkestrelJohn Davies
EricaBotEricaajahuangShih-Chieh Huang
ExBotExplorer(Markus Enzenberger)Martin Müller
firstgoFirstGogreymatter = EdeGrijsEdward de Grijs
FomalhautFomalhauttmcTom Cooper
FStonedStonedFantiusChris Fant
FudoBotFudogghidekiKato, Hideki
Fuego, fuego9, Fuego04nwFuego?Fuego team (Martin Müller, Aja Huang, and others)
GoComputerGoComputerChristophVChristoph Vielhauer & Hartwig Hanusch
ggmcbotGGMC GogghidekiKato, Hideki
GnuGo2GNU GoAlorilGNU Go development teamOld version of GNU Go
gnugo3pt6GNU GomaproomGNU Go development team
GnuGoAlGNU Goaloriless"Aloril"
Go81Go81TapaniTapani Raiko
GoComputerGoComputerChristophVChristoph Vielhauer & Hartwig Hanusch
GoCooGoCookato448Yoshie Kato
GoFigureGoFigureEvandEvan Daniel
GoGNUGNU GohmsGNU Go development team
GoKnotGoKnot-isGojacquesbasJacques Basaldúa
gomorra9gomorraslarsLars Schäfers
gonzoBotGonzokiwiPetePeter McKenzie
goppGo++goppxxMichael Reisswould like at least 40m for 19x19
GoSharp  Tony HsuThis is not a bot.
GoTraxxGoTraxx?Philipp Garcia
GoWind ruhaiRuhai Zhou
greenpeep?vokChristopher Rosin
Jason House
Urban Hafner
Current stable version of HouseBot
hb04Old version 0.4 of HouseBot. No look ahead, simple 1-ply evaluation.
hb05Version 0.5 of HouseBot. Uses global α-β search
HBotSVNLatest experimental version of HouseBot.
hcBothcBotTPolMichal DvořáčekHeavily modified GNU Go, also using MoGo for middle game
IdiotBot AlorilDumbed-down version of GNU GoDrop if this makes the numbers even
indigoBotIndigopapateuxBruno Bouzy
jiangojiango?Peigang zhang
Kago, KagoBot9, KagoBot13KagokarlwangWang Rizhong
kiaibotKiaimathewwMatthew Woodcraft
kisekikisekimamoYasuo Hirooka
kurtbotkurtlefantFabian Linzberger
LeelaBotLeelagcpGian-Carlo PascuttoOnce called Progo, but renamed to avoid confusion with Rehm's Progo
LeGoBot, LibegoBot LewŁukasz Lew
LibertyBotGNU GoAlorilGNU Go development team; Daniel Bump An ancient fork of GNU Go 1.2, with many changes, and with improvements to its KGS behaviour.
Mango, Mango2MangoLapinBlancGuillaume Chaslot
unimaasJahn-Takeshi Saito
Many Faces of GofotlandDavid Fotland
MCarkMC_arkNobuo Araki
MechaGoZilMechaGoZillafantiusChris FantA cluster running copies of MoGo
MoGoBot MoGo jbh17 Yizao Wang, Sylvain Gelly, Jean-Baptiste Hoock, Rémi Munos & Olivier Teytaud contributors: Rémi Munos, Pierre-Arnaud Coquelin, Yizao Wang, Olivier Teytaud
MoGoBot19 MoGo Yizao & Casillux Yizao Wang & Sylvain Gelly As above. May use a local rather than global search
MoGoBot1MoGoTWOlivier Teytaud and othersThis is not MoGo, but does have common code with it.
MonteGNUGNU Go + MC codegunnarGNU Go development team
Frank Karger
Michael Babar
NeuroGoNeuroGo Markus Enzenberger
Neuron, Neu, NeuronCNeuronmelsAlexander Melnikov
nioNiotrogdorChristian Nilsson
oakfoamOakfoamliquido (krokro)Francois van Niekerk
OlympusOlympus Joshua Shriver
oOhikaruO2oOhikaruO2 ? Laurence Spinosa
OregoOregomundungusPeter Drake & others
pagebot, scottbot?peterchrisPeter Christopher
PachiPachipaskyPetr Baudiš
PNUGoGNU GopaskyPetr BaudišUnofficial build
ProgoProgo/KagcpGian-Carlo PascuttoNow renamed to Leela (LeelaBot) to avoid confusion with Rehm's Progo
PueGoFuegopaskyPetr BaudišUnofficial build
ProjectProjectkestrelJohn DaviesAlmost the same code as Dumbbot
PyBotPyboterisloverDeren Dohodauses engine from SimpleGo
QYZQuasiwisejacquesQYZJacques Basaldúa
rangoRangoibdIsaaac Deutsch
Rover01RoverandomjuhopJuho Pennanen
scottbota build of pagebot 
sf9x9botStone Fightersf9x9Fuming Wang
SimonBotSimonBotns02Yoshimasa Ito
StoneLord, LordStoneStoneLord?John Nixon
slugGo, SlugGo13, SlugGo9 Slug GocmcwernerDavid G Doshay and others;
GNU Go development team
would like 28m for 9x9, 58m for 19x19
smartbotSmartBotshad0wjackDmitry PlatonovA GNU Go derivative, not related to Anders Kierulf's SmartGo
st9x9botStone Fighterst9x9Fuming Wang
StoneGridStoneGridstgJohn Fan 
StoneCrazya build of CrazyStone 
stvSteenvreterevdwErik van der Werf
thcGo, rcnnthcGo Alan Blair
tlsBotTlsBazikMichał Bażyński
BroegeKarol Golab
tlsBotExp1 BazikMichał Bażyński
BroegeKarol Golab
ToasterToasterTorrentJoakim Mjärdner
ToBog QubicStephen Jay Guy
twinbottwinbotal2GNU Go development team;
Alain Baeckeroot
GNU Go 3.7 derivative
valkyriavalkyriazappMagnus Persson
viking4, viking5Viking
WbotengineWoldsomRaymond Wold
wollbotGNU Go 3.7woll997GNU Go development teamGNU Go 3.7
WeakBot50k Aloril 
wei2goWei 2 GosestirBasti Weidemyr
Zengg9Zengggghideki'Yamato' and Hideki Kato
zogoFBot, zogoOBotNineHeadBirdzong2008Zong MengJun

This page, and particularly the Notes, are mainly for my own use.