This is not an official KGS page.
19x19 board
Chinese rules, komi 7½
58 minutes each absolute time
The first round started at 08:00 GMT for the Formal and 08:10 for the Open division, subsequent rounds started at thirty-minute intervals.
The tournament was again held in two divisions, Formal and Open, with more restrictive entry conditions for the Formal division. Essentially, an entrant to the Formal division must not contain move-generating code used by any other such entrant, and its author's real identity must be known. A program may enter both divisions simultaneously (though it will have to use different names for each).
Formal Division
Open Division
The "real" names of the bots listed above, and of their programmers, are listed here: programs which have registered for KGS Computer Go Tournaments.
Fortunately for the tournament organiser, only two games ended in arguments between the bots. Rrecords of these "forfeited" games are now available below.
In this tournament, we welcomed another new program, Stephen Jay Guy's ToBog, which played only in the Open division. The official KGS results pages also show Olympus as having played; this is the consequence of a mistake. The results tables above (unlike the KGS ones) have been corrected so as to count games against Olympus as byes.
It was good to see Gopp (Go++) playing, after its unfortunate accident with a carpet-layer two months ago. It was the undefeated winner, but two of its games were close: it beat Dar51 (an experimental version of Dariush) by 3½ points in round 1, and GNU (GNU Go) by 4½ in round 3. GNU also achieved three wins.
IndigoBot2 was the undefeated winner. Dariush sored three wins out of four, its loss being on time, to WeakBot50k, in round 1, in a position in which all of its opponent's stones were dead. CrazyStone also achieved three wins.
Here is a complete list of the "forfeited" games. You can download any game listed here by clicking on it. Other game records are available from the KGS pages: Formal Division and Open Division.
round | Formal division | Open division |
1 | ||
2 | ||
3 | ||
4 | firstgo-Dariush.sgf SimpleBot-CrazyStone.sgf |