The 4-lucanicohedron


genus c0, orientable
Schläfli formula c{4,2}
V / F / E c 4 / 4+2 / 8
notesThis is not a regular map, it has faces of two kinds (it is quasiregular).
Faces with < 3 edges  
rotational symmetry groupD8, with 8 elements
full symmetry groupD8×C2, with 16 elements
its presentation c< r, s, t | r2, s2, t2, (rs)4, (st)2, (rt)2 >

Relations to other Regular Maps

It is the result of rectifying the 4-hosohedron.
It is the result of rectifying the di-square.

List of regular maps in orientable genus 0.

Other Regular Maps

General Index

The image on this page is copyright © 2010 N. Wedd