The edgeless map


genus c0, orientable
Schläfli formula c{0,0}
V / F / E c 1 / 1 / 0
notesFaces with < 3 edges Vertices with < 3 edges trivial is not a polyhedral map permutes its vertices evenly
vertex, face multiplicity c0, 0
Petrie polygons
NAN, each with 0 edges
rotational symmetry group1, with 1 elements
full symmetry group1, with 1 elements
its presentation c< r, s, t | r, s, t >
C&D number cR0.0
The statistics marked c are from the published work of Professor Marston Conder.

Relations to other Regular Maps

It is self-dual.

It is self-Petrie dual.

List of regular maps in orientable genus 0.

Underlying Graph

Its skeleton is K1.


I am not aware of any published work that recognises this as a regular map. However it falls under this definition.

Note that it qualifies as trivial because all its Petrie polygons have two edges.

Other Regular Maps

General Index

The image on this page is copyright © 2010 N. Wedd