- The British Skat Association

The British Skat Association

The British Skat Association exists to promote the playing of Skat in Britain.

What is Skat?

Skat is a card game for three or four players. Its rules are given (in English) at www.pagat.com, which describes four forms of skat:

David Parlett's Germany's national card game is an excellent account of skat. The official rules of German skat are governed by the Deutsche Skat-Gericht, which has codified them in the Internationale Skatordnung. This site provides an English-language version of the skatordnung, translated from German by David Parlett.

About the British
Skat Association

The British Skat Association was founded early in 2001. It hopes to affiliate to the International Skat Players Association.

Office-holders are:   President   David Parlett
 SecretaryJohn McLeod
 TreasurerNick Wedd
Other members of the committee:       Mike Tobias

How to Join

It is free to join the British Skat Association: just send an email to Mike Tobias at Miketobias@protonmail.com, giving your name and contact details. You may also choose to join its mailing list. This map shows where most people connected with the British Skat Association live.

Formal Events

DatePlaceFormatDirectorfurther information
Saturday April 19thThe Fishes, Oxford OX2 0NADuplicateNick Wedddetails
May 17th
Lancaster Hall Hotel, London W2 3QH
July 20th
Lancaster Hall Hotel, London W2 3QH
September 20th
Lancaster Hall Hotel, London W2 3QH
November 16th
Lancaster Hall Hotel, London W2 3QH

Our intention is to hold Skat events in London on the third Saturdays in January, May and September, and the third Sundays in March, July and November.

Events in Oxford may be held in the intervening months.

The past results of these events are listed.

Social Meetings

We hold evenings of social Skat once a month, usually in the upstairs Chaucer Room of the Royal Oak, 44 Tabard Street, London, SE1 4JU. These start at 18:00 (though there is no problem if you arrive later), on the first Wednesday of every month. The closest tubes/stations are Borough and London Bridge.

Occasionally we need to change the venue, so it is safest if you check on our Meetup page here, where you will also find other Skat-playing opportunities. If you RSVP on this Meetup page you will automatically receive notification of any changes to the venue etc.

This is just a regular place to meet and play Skat, completely informal, just turn up and play, with whatever variations each table agrees on. Don't worry if you can't be there for 6 o'clock, arrive when you can. The Royal Oak serves pub food, drinks and an excellent range of real ales from the Harvey’s brewery.

Skat servers

and other links
Some skat servers, allowing you to play skat on the internet.

The British Skat Association runs informal weekly skat sessions on the "play OK" games server (formerly "Kurnik").


The British Skat Association calculates ratings for its players, from the results of the Synchron Skat events that it runs. See a description of how the rating system works, graph of current ratings, and an Excel spreadsheet which drew the graphs. Updated 2025-01-24

Mailing List

The British Skat Association has a mailing list for sending announcements to all members. You can read public postings to the list without registering. To post your own contributions, you will need to register with the list administrator.

If your email address is with btinternet, you will not receive emails sent via the list: so please use some other address. Adding a btinternet address to the mailing list achieves nothing.


We have a page of software resources for running Skat tournaments, which may be freely downloaded and used.

Web site

If you have any comments on this web site, please contact the British Skat Association treasurer.

This page is hosted at http://www.weddslist.com.