The Skatordnung
(International Laws of Skat)
Drawn up and authorised by the Deutsche SkatVerband (DSkV) and
the International Skat-Players Association e.V. (ISPA-World),
and adopted by the British Skat Association
This English version, prepared January 2001 in consultation with
John McLeod and Nick Wedd, is not entirely a literal translation, but seeks
to reproduce faithfully all the provisions of the German-language original
in their entirety, and follows the same paragraph numbering for ease of
comparison. In some cases I have added explanatory notes that the German
original left unsaid (for example, the last sentence of 5.3.4 is my addition),
and in others (notably 4.4.2) I have expressed the relevant rule in a simpler
and less long-winded manner.
David Parlett, London 2001