This regular map has six 8-valent vertices, 16 triangular faces, and 24 edges.
Its rotational symmetry group is GL(2,3).
Its dual is {8,3}. Its double cover is S3:{3,8}.
Its Petrie polygons are dodecagons, its holes are octagons, its 2nd-order Petrie polygons are octagons, its 3rd-order holes are hexagons, its 4th-order Petrie polygons are dodecagons, and its 4th-order holes are digons.
Its faces form antipodal pairs, as do its vertices, as do its edges.
It can be constructed by taking S2:{4,6}
as shown in the first diagram to the left, and superposing the second
diagram to the left (whose faces are four triangles and one dodecagonal
ring-face) so as to obtain S2{3,8} as shown in the last diagram.
Other regular maps on the genus-2 oriented surface.
Index to other pages on regular maps.
Some pages on groups
Copyright N.S.Wedd 2009