The Genus-3 Regular Map {8,4}

This regular map has four octagonal faces, all meeting at each of its eight vertices. It has 16 edges, and a Euler characteristic of -4. It is shown to the right.

Each of its faces shares edges with only two other faces, four times each.

Its Petrie polygons have eight edges, and its holes have two. It is the result of cantellating S3:{8,8}.

It is different from this {8,4}, whose holes have four edges. However its diagram is very similar to that on the right, differing only in the lettering of the "sewing instructions".

Its faces form antipodal pairs, its vertices form antipodal pairs, its edges form antipodal pairs.

Its rotational symmetry group has order 32.

Its dual is S3:{4,8}. It is self-Petrie dual. It is a double cover of S2:{8,4}.

Two more diagrams of it are shown to the left.

Other regular maps on the genus-3 oriented surface.
Index to other pages on regular maps.
Some pages on groups

Copyright N.S.Wedd 2009