Block Designs

Some infinite sets of block designs

The Steiner triple system n S( 2, 3, n )
The Steiner quadruple system n S( 3, 4, n )
The projective plane of order n S( 2, n+1, n2+n+1 )being the case d=2 of . . .
. . . the projective d-space of order n S( 2, n+1, Πdi=1nd )
The affine plane of order n S( 2, n, n2 )being the case d=2 of . . .
. . . the affine d-space of order n S( 2, n, nd )
The inversive plane of order n S( 3, n+1, n2+1 )being the case d=2 of . . .
. . . the spherical geometry nd S( 3, n+1, nd+1 )
The unital of order n S( 2, n+1, n3+1 )

Introduction to tournament plans
Explanation of list of tournament plans
List of tournament plans
Notation used for block designs
Some infinite sets of block designs
Further reading on block designs