The 13th Kite Skat Tournament

The thirteenth Kite Skat tournament was held on Saturday September 2nd 2017 (technically it might be "first Porterhouse Skat tournament", as The Kite has changed its name and management style). The organiser was Nick Wedd.

We initially welcomed eight players, including the organiser Nick Wedd, so we played two sessions of 20 boards as two tables of four. Then Sally left for evensong, and we played two more sessions of 21 boards, as two tables of three.

Although six players played in all four sessions, no-one achieved a total of more than 4 matchpoints.

    Round 1 boards   Round 2 boards   Round 3 boards   Round 4 boards   Total
Name table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      MPdiff
John 222990-9½ 218142103½ 126730-33 136122151½ 4212½
Nick 14472287 13620283     4170
Mark 136802111 121100-32½ 132880-75 217322152 4155½
Patrick 242980-87 22175232½ 216142135 114280-152 4-71½
Jonathan 11-280-213½ 241660-13 23438275 22201277 4-74½
Robin 123182 14192213 113440-135 12470-77 4-189½
Sally 213992213½ 116070-103½     2110
Beth 234580-111 234540-83 22739233 233090-151½ 2-312½


For the first two places there were prizes of port and wine. There was also a "best session diff" prize of chocolates, for the best score in any one session, excluding those who had already received prizes. It was won by Sally.

Hand records

Other results.
Main page of the British Skat Association.