The 13th Rising Sun Synchron-Skat Tournament

The thirteenth Rising Sun Synchron-Skat Tournament was held on Saturday January 14th 2006.

There were eight entrants, not including the organiser, David Parlett.

We played four sessions each of twenty boards, with two tables of four in each session. During the fourth session, Jonathan Madden had to leave, and David Parlett took his place.

    Round 1   Round 2   Round 3   Round 4   Total
Name table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      MPdiff
Jonathan Norris 144220-118.0 21718252.0 21292259.0 142982153.5 6146.50
John Thorogood 134972136.0 12101235.5 12794270.0 113140-112.5 6129.00
Patrick Cherlet 246582118.0 145800-64.5 142090-16.5 215392112.5 4149.50
Jonathan Madden 112180-127.0 22300-35.5 24242216.5 224542185.5 439.50
Mike Tobias 226882208.0 116140-52.0 13226268.0 12830-185.5 438.50
Patrick Phair 214722127.0 13202259.0 111740-59.0 133040-90.0 437.00
Nick Wedd 122720-208.0 24709264.5 226540-70.0 23484290.0 4-123.50
John Priscott 232250-136.0 23840-59.0 23900-68.0 24-90-153.5 0-416.50

The winners, pictured here, received prizes of whisky, Baileys Irish Cream, and chocolates.

Other results.
Main page of the British Skat Association.