The 9th Young Chelsea Synchron-Skat Tournament

The ninth Young Chelsea Synchron-Skat Tournament was held on Saturday December 5th 2009.

There were initially twelve entrants, including the organiser, Patrick Cherlet. We played four sessions each of 18 boards as four tables of three. After lunch Martin Dachsel arrived, so Patrick stopped playing.

    Round 1 boards   Round 221 boards   Round 321 boards   Round 421 boards   Total
Name table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      MPdiff
Uwe Greiner 238212-17.8 32615474.0 316476142.5 238436248.8 18447.50
Noel Leaver 32348650.0 127136172.0 114112-93.5 12371439.0 18167.50
Chris Beesley 41448419.0 236074277.5 233386180.0 115202-47.5 16429.00
Mike Tobias 33927688.3 112002-39.8 223542-51.0 31636668.5 1666.00
Thomas Altebäumer 422853-13.0 31336696.3 12468463.0 134180-176.3 13-30.00
Nick Krempel 21468639.0 13902-239.5 21588483.5 222510-81.0 12-198.00
Andy Mawhinney 137690-69.8 41279439.3 325346129.0 215070-60.5 1038.00
Nick Wedd 114082-21.0 336746344.5 13-1020-260.0 322562-76.0 10-12.50
Beate Schmolinski  122853-13.0 211440-95.8 331022-56.0 43692497.8 9-67.00
Jackie Damant 313920-37.0 42554213.0 422640-141.0 424506118.0 8-47.00
Martin Dachsel   222820-259.0 432944136.0 334242-170.3 6-293.25
Patrick Cherlet 438384-0.8       4-0.75
Joe Elleson 222740-24.0 43-530-382.5 413720-132.5 41607439.5 4-499.50

The winners received prizes of whisky, Grand Marnier, and chocolates.

Hand records

Other results.
Main page of the British Skat Association.