The 28th Young Chelsea Skat Tournament

We welcomed 9 players to the Young Chelsea for our October tournament, including Mark Dunn, who had cried off the night before with a bad back, but cried on again in the morning despite having to travel to and from Coventry and play a tournament under the influence of painkillers.

The hands were dealt at the table and seating arranged so that we all played different people in each session. Sabine Barz had to leave after session three, and two others wanted to finish slightly earlier than usual, so we aimed for a 6.00pm finish and played three rounds of 18 hands (three tables of three) with a final session of 16 (two tables of four).

Organiser Mike Tobias was the overall winner but declined an award, so the first prize went to Chris Beesley, who not only finished second overall, but also had the highest session score, and Parick Phair took the next for third place overall. Minimum levels for other awards weren't reached, so the remaining prizes went to Mark Dunn for most enemy defeats with Alan O'Connor taking the wooden spoon.

Prize Details in full:

Glory onlyMike Tobias2266
First prizeChris Beesley2129
Best SessionChris Beesley959
Second prizePatrick Phair1928
Enemy defeatsMark Dunn12
Wooden SpoonAlan O'Connor1163



Other results.
Main page of the British Skat Association.