IMPs scoring.
The bidding was
North | East (me) | South | West |
1N (a) | — | 2N | — |
3N | — | — | — |
(a) 12-14
Leading from my 9xxx looked unpromising – from the bidding partner has at most two points, and leading through her possible cQ is unlikely to help. Leading from a major suit when the opponents have bid no-trumps directly rather than using Stayman or a transfer can be good. Leading from an AK would give me a look at dummy while probably giving nothing away. So I led the hA. Partner encouraged with her 5 (not superficially encouraging; but the 4 3 and 2 must be somewhere). I continued with hK and h8. Partner took three tricks and set the contract with her 1-point hand!
Declarer was a strong player (NGS 65), which made it more rewarding. There was nothing wrong with his bidding or play; but giving a bad score to a strong player is better than giving one to a pigeon.
This is one of a few hands I've particularly enjoyed, listed here.