Problem statement
(This is a picture of a beermat. It's advertising a beer from the de Koninck brewery.)
Solution to metapuzzle: show
Restated puzzle: show
[Enjoy a quirky tasty bolleke and at the same time exercise your mind with our bolleke puzzle.] Complete the puzzle with dots so that there are five black and five white dots in each row and in each column. No more than two consecutive dots of the same colour may occur in any row or column.
Solution to puzzle: show
Comments: show
I enjoyed solving this by using my very limited knowledge of Dutch to come up with what seemed a plausible problem statement, and then finding that it led to a unique solution. I know that "twee" is Dutch for "two", so "maximum twee dezelfde bollekes" is comprehensible.
I enjoy such informal, unintended, metapuzzle-puzzle pairs. A good source is buying wooden puzzles, with no instructions, in charity shops (US: thrifts). Studying the wooden pieces, and solving the metapuzzle and then the puzzle, is something I find pleasing. Of course there's a danger that there are missing pieces; but the metapuzzle may still be solvable.
Source: beermat from de Koninck
This is one of several pages on puzzles and metapuzzles