Symbols used in these pages
Thes pages use various symbols to indicate properties of regular maps
in a way that takes up little space. Here we explain what these symbols mean.
Red symbols and letters, indicating that some writers consider the thing not a proper regular map.
Green symbols and letters, indicating some "positive" property of the regular map.
cyan letters
Rotations of the regular map are all even permutations of its vertices.
Some rotations of the regular map are odd permutations of its vertices.
Blue letters α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν γ
with marks ' °
indicating that it is a member of an infinite series of regular maps.
Links to pages about regular maps look like {4,4}(2,1).
Links to pages about not-quite-regular maps look like C5:{10,4}.
A polyhedral mapB97 is such that the
valency of each vertex exceeds 2, and the intersection of two distinct faces is one of
- empty
- one vertex
- one edge
Thus for example {4,4}(2,1)
is not a polyhedral map: the intersection of two of its distinct faces is an edge and a vertex.
Index to Regular Maps
Glossary for Regular Maps