The Skatordnung
(International Laws of Skat)
- Card-points
- The point-value of individual scoring cards taken in tricks.
Card-points (Augen) differ from game-points (Punkte), which are points recorded
on the score-sheet or translated into cash payments.
- Game
- The establishment and play of a game contract following any one deal. (Spiel.)
- Kibitzer
- A spectator who is not one of the participants at the table he is
watching. Referees and authorised tournament representatives do not count as kibitzers. (Kiebitze.)
- Match
- A complete series of games or session of play. (Serie.)
- Opponents
- The two active players who seek by co-operative play to prevent the soloist
from making his contract. (Gegenspieler.)
- Participants
- All those playing at the same table, whether or not active in the current
deal. (Mit-spieler.)
- Party
- The three active players form two parties: the soloist on one hand, and his two
opponents on the other. (Partei.)
- Player
- Unless otherwise stated, 'player' (Spieler) means one of the three active players.
(Skat may be played by four at a table, but at each deal only three are active.)
- Schneider
- A higher level of win than a simple game
- comparable to the lurch or skunk
in Cribbage. (Literally snip or cut.)
- Schwarz
- The winning of every trick, equivalent to a grand slam or whitewash. (Literally black.)
- Skat
- Two cards dealt face down to the table at start of play, which belong to the eventual
soloist and may be taken by him in exchange for unwanted cards from his hand.
- Soloist
- The highest bidder, who declares a contract and plays alone against the other two. (Alleinspieler)
- Tops (Top trumps)
- An unbroken sequence of trumps from the highest downwards. It is here
used to translate Spitzen, literally 'peaks', for which there is no satisfactory English equivalent.
('Matadors' is archaic and not entirely accurate).