
Also called  PSL(3,2),   A1(7),   A2(2),   GL(3,2),   SL(3,2),   PGL(3,2).

PSL(2,7) is simple.


Order of group168
GAP identifier168,42
Orders of elements1 of 1, 21 of 2, 2*28 of 3, 2*21 of 4, 2*28 of 7
Derived subgroupPSL(2,7)
Automorphism groupPGL(2,7)
Inner automorphism groupPSL(2,7)
"Out" (quotient of above)C2
Schur multiplierC2

Permutation Diagrams

2-transitive on 7
points, even.

Transitive on 7 points, even.

Transitive on 8 points, even.

Transitive on 8 points, even.

Cayley Graphs

the Klein map, type II

Regular maps with PSL(2,7) symmetry

PSL(2,7) is the rotational symmetry group of the regular maps the Klein map,   the dual Klein map.

Index to regular maps